Thursday, November 3, 2011

Who are the people behind

As most of you know my best helper is my Mom aka Sally (so now everyone knows her name).  She keeps me well organized, does an amazing job on beading, is the best tight sorter ever and keeps me grounded when I freak out!

Most of you have met my girls, Emma (the Skater, the reason Skater’s Choice started) aka Skater’s Choice Product Tester and Molly aka Skater’s Choice Shipping Manager (if you ask her).

The whole family gets involved some days, even my shhh…. don’t tell her I told you, my 98, yes I said it, my 98 year old grandmother!  Who will never see this blog, she doesn’t own nor want or would know how to turn one on.  She is awesome and I know we already put the picture up earlier, I just had to share the story.

She usually comes over twice a month to my mom’s to hang out on the weekend, yes, she still lives independently!  So while she was over we were working on photographing dresses for the web and she was sitting in chatting with us.  Mom had to take care of a few things so Gram started helping me.  Putting the dresses on the bust, turning them for the front and back photo and taking the dresses off the bust.  Some of the things she said, oh my goodness!  She had me cracking up, I laughed so hard! I kept telling her she didn’t have to help and she kept telling me she was fine and was having a good time.

When the evening was over and she was going home, I thanked her for all her hard work and she told me that she had a ball and I should definitely call her the next time I need to photograph dresses for the website!

Thanks Gram, you rock!