Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Regional’s 2015

Good luck and safe travels to everyone who is headed to a Regional Championship this week!

Thank you to everyone who has placed orders and called for items to gear up for the 2015 Southwestern Regional Figure Skating Championship hosted by the Ft. Collins Figure Skating Club in Fort Collins, October 16-21. We will miss seeing everyone and would like to wish all our customers and friends that will be competing at the 2015 Southwestern Regional competition, Good Luck and Skate Great!

We are headed west and will be at the 2015 Central Pacific Regional Figure Skating Championship hosted by the Salt Lake Figure Skating Club October 17-19 at the Salt Lake City Sports Complex. In addition to some of the new items we mentioned earlier we have a new “Skater Mom” T-Shirt limited quantities along with some “Skater” T-Shirts that are so “Blinged” out you will need sunglasses. Here is a Sneak Peak……

Skater's Choice