Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where did summer go?

So here we are I can not believe that the kids are going back to school!  For some of you they are back in school and for some of you they start in the next week or so.  As I was thinking “where did the summer go” I thought it would be fun to include a picture of one of our summer outings.  The girls and I went to California to visit friends and we did a girl’s day to San Francisco.  Where did you go?  Share with us where you went, the beach, camping or maybe a foreign country? 

Whatever you did we hope you had a great summer and now feeling the excitement of school starting and the slightly overwhelmed feeling of how busy we will be with school starting I am including a little humor.  Our wonderful webmaster found some great “Mother” quotes and I want to share a couple of the top ones for me, especially when you have children that skate or have extra curricular activities.

"Poverty is hereditary - you get it from your children." - Phyllis Diller

“A suburban mother's role is to deliver children obstetrically once, and by car for ever after” – Peter De Vries

“I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them.” - Phyllis Diller

I am behind in my blog and want to make sure I mention a few things.  We had a wonderful time at Colorado Championships and want to thank everyone involved.  Mile High Figure Skating Association for inviting us and to Cheryl Brubaker for keeping us well informed.  Also to all the volunteers and especially to Kim Berggren and her team for all their hard work in hospitality and keeping everyone well fed.  It is very much appreciated.  We hope everyone had a good time at Colorado Championships.

What’s up next for Skater’s Choice? 
We are happy to announce that we have been invited to Cup of Colorado, August 27-28 at South Suburban Ice Arena.

We are also excited to have been invited back to the Colorado Springs Invitational, September 14-18 at Sertich Ice Arena.
